Thank you for submitting your nominations for the 2025 Nominations are now closed! ABOUT THE ATHENA AWARDThe ATHENA Award®, named for the strong, enlightened goddess, goes to individuals who excel in their professions, give back to their communities, and help develop other leaders, especially women. Today, ATHENA International is a global program. Since the program’s inception, more than 7,000 awards have been presented in over 500 communities in the United States, Canada, China, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom. The ATHENA Leadership Model® was developed through a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and identifies eight distinct attributes that are reflective of women’s contributions to leadership. Nominees for the Rutherford ATHENA and Young Professional Awards must If the nominee lives outside of Rutherford County, she must work in Rutherford County.
Thank you for submitting your 2025 ATHENA Leadership Award & Young Professional Leadership Award Nominations Applications are now closed! ATHENA Opportunities and Benefits for Nominating Organizations and Nominee Employers ATHENA Scholarship Application Have questions about nominating a local leader? 2024 Award Recipient |